Science at Darnhall Primary School...
Our Intent:
At Darnhall Primary School, science should be fully inclusive to every child. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study for Science. By doing this we endeavour to provide our pupils with a coherently planned and sequenced science curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners, no matter their abilities, the knowledge and skills that will help them as they progress in science from Early Years onwards. In a world that is changing rapidly, an effective science curriculum will provide our pupils with the skills and knowledge they will need in the future, and hopefully inspire them to pursue careers in STEM industries.
British Science Week 2023:
This years British Science Week theme was 'Connection'. The children from nursery to Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed celebrating this day. The day began by children focusing on this years theme. This theme was explored in a variety of ways.
A family challenge was also set for children to complete a poster at home which links to the theme of 'Connections'. Our winners recieved some fantastic prizes!
The second part of our British Science Day focused on the STEM industry and carers. EYFS explored this through role play whilst Year 6 wrote a job description for a STEM role. Lots of our children learnt about a new job role which has inspired many to consider a STEM related carer in the future.
The passion for teaching and learning in science is evident throughout our school.
Take a look...
Science Week at Darnhall
Please see attached the long term plan for a breakdown of science topics for each year group.
Here is the link to our facebook album for British Science Week 2023